Radon Test Results

Some of the folks in our neighborhood have been getting VERY high radon gas readings in their home so I decided to have some tests done in our basement so I did so just before Cambrie arrived. Being this close to the mouth of AF canyon, apparently it isn't unusual to have high results. The Simons' next door had theirs tested and ended up with 27 pci/g (EPA upper threshold is 4 pci/g) so they are putting in a venting system (so much for the heating bill.....).

I tested in our new play room and in the kitchen downstairs. Kitchen was 3.6 and playroom was 3.0. Rest assured that when you sleep in our basement, you have little chance of dying from radiation poisoning so you'll have to find some other way to commit suicide. Marilyn, will you call Kristen and tell her our results please? She's interested.


Unknown said…
Now I know that I should have never worried about something I was never worried about.

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