you might be a groneman if......

1. Chocolate milk and toast sounds like a good/normal sunday dinner to you.
2. Memories of visiting Europe include camping in a field filled with sheep.
3. Arrowheads frequently turn up in your dreams.
4. You frequently shake towers.
5. All unknown presants are "electric pianos".
6. you know a 5 year old boy who chopped a hole in a building older than our country.
7. you slaved the summers of your childhood away pulling weeds.
8. you sometimes wonder about poor mutly, moo, pooch, or "that dumb dog"



Gramps said…
You made me smile. :)
Gramps said…
* Micheal Jackson's THRILLER brings back good memories
* You see some teenager acting up and you say to yourself "they're throwing a Chad"
* You know all the words and actions to "Skitamarink!"
Katie Groneman said…
* instead of saying your last name, you just start spelling it. G...R...O...
Marilyn said…
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Marilyn said…
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Marilyn said… know that the family's secret code is "cackle-berries and moo-juice"
Unknown said…
You know what the missing ingredient is in the name "potatoes and onions."

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