Hard work...

Five weeks ago, I was pulled off my main project by the CTO of my company, and assigned to work on my own on a "skunk works" project. It's an iPhone project that our CTO wants to demo at a conference in the first week of April. I'd never used an iPhone, much less coded for one. Since then, I've spent a lot of hours learning how to write code for iPhones, and then trying to write something.

Our CTO has been reviewing what I've done from time to time, guiding me where he wants the project to go. Yesterday I sent off the latest version of the project, and I came in this morning to find this in my email:


This ROCKS! You absolutely made my day. Looking fwd to talking more tomorrow (Tues).

My extra hours have paid off. It looks like I get to keep my job for a few more days. ;)


Erica said…
I'm so proud of my husband!! :)
Cambrienelson said…
good job Chad-- If he said it, it must be true-- you ROCK!
Marilyn said…
THATS MY BOY !!!! :)
Yes, a mom can still say that even after the boy is grown and gone! :)
Gramps said…
Knowing Chad, this doesn't surprise me a bit. It does look like your extra effort paid off....extra effort usually does.

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