When the fedex guy came to the door with a box my girls started removing their shoes because the last box that was delivered to our door contained shoes. I informed them as I opened it,
"Sorry ladies, it is not shoes. It is just medicine"
Kiera "Is that the medicine so that you can have a baby in your tummy?" (direct quote).
(flabergasted)..."um well, no but it is to help us get a baby".
I couldn't believe it. We have never told Kiera anything at all about the entire situation. We only ever say in prayers "please help us to get a baby in our family". She could not have known any other way than through the spirit. I tried later to ask her what the medicine was for but all she said was "I don't know".
This is the 4th time in the past year that she has had very obvious intuition about the status of future siblings in our family.
Anywho, I start this mess of meds next tuesday. My surrogate started today. Our contract is done and waiting to be signed. Here we go!!!