I know that there a lot of people waiting on the report of Christa. She got home about 1pm today.
She was running a fever yesterday so they left her in the hospital so they could give her some IV antibiotics. I will leave the Dastrups to tell you any more details. But now you know. Brigham is still very sleep deprived...but he told me that he would bring Ty in when he felt he needed to go off duty, but bless him for his selflessness, he didn't do that until 6:30. So, I am rested up from the 3 am start to my day yesterday. I told him he needed the sleep way more than I did since he had worked all night the night Christa Hemorrhaged, but Brigham was determined to take care of Ty for the "first part"of the night...so I let him. He is in charge around here, not me.

One thing that wasn't so good. The first time CK hemorrhaged after Benjamin's birth, I trailed along with her and him to the hospital so she could feed him there. No problem. This time, Christa was feeling faint before we were even out of the house, so a friend of theirs in the ward, a policeman on duty, was called, and he gave her a escort in his patrol car to the hospital. We actually had called 911, but the policeman was already here while we were on the phone with them, so we decided just to let him take her. Ty was ready to eat when CK first started gushing, so I picked him up to take him along with us like we did before. But the policeman wasn't able to take us also, so then I was going to drive, but I didn't know the way to get there, so then the ward member that Brigham called to come stay with the boys tried to program their GPS for me...stalling more....and then another ward resident/Dr came over and drove me to the hospital with the baby. So have you ever heard of a new baby that was a starvin Marvin waiting patiently for over an hour to eat? He was sucking frantically on that pacifier, but he never cried, he just complained intermittently...while sucking furiously. I didn't have any formula to give him, even. When we were able to go to Christa, I was just focused on getting him fed quickly because they were saying that they would likely take her in for a D and C...and we didn't want to introduce Ty to an easier way of doing things in the food dept, for fear that he wouldn't go back to nursing. So, we quickly got him nursing. I didn't know that they had given Christa Demerol...Ty nursed for maybe 5-10 minutes, and then Brigham came in and said that he couldn't nurse because of that drug Ck had in her. So then we had no choice about giving Ty formula. Christa had to pump and dump for the next 24 hours. But Ty had already had his first dose of Demerol. SLEEPY BABY! I slept (only waking to eat) all day long! I was kinda worried about him. But he is fine, and not nearly so sleepy today. He is SUCH a good baby! And Christa deserved that...NEEDED that. He is such a sweet tiny soul...and I am in heaven just to hold that little piece of Heaven! Newborns are so very irresistible. Babies are wonderful!!! I am loving this!

I really believe that somehow, someone in Heaven told little Ty that he had to be patient to eat while Christa was wisked away in a patrol car leaving him hungry with me. Newborns aren't that patient when they are hungry. I was praying in my heart that he could wait, and that prayer was answered. I firmly believe that for newborns, the veil has not completely been drawn yet, and Heaven once again be praised for that tender mercy I and Ty received!

Kim, bless his heart, is taking 2 days of work off so that he can tend Cambrie's little dollies while she does clinicals, so I can stay and help a little longer. That was a big relief! I would have been a danger on the road as tired as I was yesterday evening.

Well, I leave the rest to the Dastrups. That was just my perspective on the whole event.


Gramps said…
It breaks my heart when my kids have problems and I'm hundreds of miles away so totally helpless. I'm relieved that Christa is on the mend again.
Erica said…
What a little trooper. We're anxious to hear what happened to Christa. Glad to know she's okay and on the mend. We're thinking about you, Christa! (Chad wanted me to make sure you know he is too...he's just holding Emmy right now.)

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