Cambrie comes to Utah!
SUN APR 27 flight 82 from Ontario, 12:10 pm (an excuse to miss church!)
FRI MAY 02 flight 797 leaves SLC 1:50 pm
Christa, when Benjamin asks why Gramps doesn't come with Grandma to Albuquerque tell him that with work, kids from out of town visiting from time to time, a wedding when kids come in July, a strong desire to go camping, and a wife that refuses to camp/ride on Sunday, I only have so much time off to go around so it doesn't always include all the trips to go visit family that moved away for greener pastures.
SUN APR 27 flight 82 from Ontario, 12:10 pm (an excuse to miss church!)
FRI MAY 02 flight 797 leaves SLC 1:50 pm
Christa, when Benjamin asks why Gramps doesn't come with Grandma to Albuquerque tell him that with work, kids from out of town visiting from time to time, a wedding when kids come in July, a strong desire to go camping, and a wife that refuses to camp/ride on Sunday, I only have so much time off to go around so it doesn't always include all the trips to go visit family that moved away for greener pastures.
Love, Brett