How could this happen?!?!?!
Talk about a black raincloud! The unthinkable has happened. I dunno how, but it makes everyone else's problems pale in comparison. I went to the basement this morning and what did I find? I found that we were out of crunchy peanut butter! Horror of horrors! I broke out into a sweat. We did have one jar of creamy so it's not a total disaster but I just can't believe this happened to me today! I'm going to be nervous all day long until I can get over to Walmart this afternoon and remedy the situation. BTW, on an unrelated note, but a milestone of spring that shouldn't go by unnoticed, I left the windows in the house open all night and didn't even bother closing them this morning as it isn't even slightly cold in this house.
Besides, you can't have the rain cloud, cause it is here!