Venting ....lest I kill my toddler...

5 minutes. 5 minutes was all it took for her to remove her pants, her diaper that i had precautiously put on her, put on some princess underwear, and then empty her loose bowels in her bedroom. And THEN, she apparently went all over our house with it drippinG down her legs becasue it was in her bathroom, my bathroom, her bedroom, all through my bedroom, the long hallway, and into the living room where she came to tell me "mommy-- stickies on the floor". After confining Lydia to her crib and putting Kiera in the shower, I then proceeded to spend more than an hour attempting to get fecal material off of our carpet. Of course, this cannot be done to suficiently kill germs since it is fabric. Good thing I don't have anyone who crawls on the floor all day....oh wait...I DO! Well, good thing she isn't constantly putting her hands in her mouth...oh wait...SHE IS! I made Kiera and Lydia sit on Kiera's bed while I cleaned it up. Kiera was wailing and her wailing scared Lydia who cried because she was scared of Keira. So both of them wailed for quite a while why I scrubed my carpets on hands and knees for a very long time.
She had had a diaper on! She removed it! AAARRRRRRGGGGG!!!!! Now both of them are in their beds having early naps and I get to go start laundry and work on disinfecting the bathrooms.


Christa said…
I know your pain all too well! She and Jacob could have a heyday together!
Gramps said…
I seem to remember a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.....
Chad said…
Oh Dear. I feel for you Cambrie, like I feel for Christa with Jacob's messes. It's a good thing Emmy will never do such a thing.
Marilyn said…
Yes, I do remember! Not so fun!
Take courage in the fact that as many times as Jacob has done the same, that somehow, Benjamin and the rest of the family have survived. Do your best to clean it up, and then don't worry about it!
Of all the jobs of raising preschoolers, I hated toilet training the worst!
Erica said…
I see one good thing from this not-so-fun experience. They were both in their beds having early naps at the same time!

I'm already bracing myself for potty training...
Unknown said…
There's definitely something very very nice about the fact that I didn't spend the day yesterday cleaning up baby poops. I'm just sayin'...

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