Well, Jacob's done it. About an hour ago during quiet time, I heard a crashing sound from the boys' end of the house. My first instinct was to go run and check on the boys to make sure everything was okay, but then I reminded myself that a similar crashing sound last night was only Benjamin's box of super-heroes falling off the bed. About 20 minutes ago, Jacob started crying a little, so I went to get him up. When I walked in the room, I realized what the crashing sound was-- the bottom of Jacob's crib had fallen out on one side. Luckily, I'd put a box of clothes under it just a week ago, so it couldn't fall very far-- only a couple of inches. Apparently they don't make cribs to withstand the force of a bouncing Jacob. But what to do now? A pack 'n play, I guess. Too bad Dad's not still here to fix it. I'm not confident in our ability to do it securely.


Marilyn said…
What a boy! The question is, will the pack and play withstand it either! How about a bed with a rail under the top mattress (like we used to have). Or better yet. Just put a mattress on the floor, and then if he falls out, no biggie. He isn't going to sleep anyway.
Gramps said…
Did it break or did the connector just come out? If it just came out, perhaps you could just use a screw to hold it in place. I'm surprised a concrete floor can put up with that boy's bouncing.
Marilyn said…
Well, if the house develops a sinkhole, we will know what happened.

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