Well, Jacob's done it. About an hour ago during quiet time, I heard a crashing sound from the boys' end of the house. My first instinct was to go run and check on the boys to make sure everything was okay, but then I reminded myself that a similar crashing sound last night was only Benjamin's box of super-heroes falling off the bed. About 20 minutes ago, Jacob started crying a little, so I went to get him up. When I walked in the room, I realized what the crashing sound was-- the bottom of Jacob's crib had fallen out on one side. Luckily, I'd put a box of clothes under it just a week ago, so it couldn't fall very far-- only a couple of inches. Apparently they don't make cribs to withstand the force of a bouncing Jacob. But what to do now? A pack 'n play, I guess. Too bad Dad's not still here to fix it. I'm not confident in our ability to do it securely.
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