This friday we are having a huge halloween party at our house. It is a costume party and so I borrowed some costume stuff from mom. I noticed that there happened to be 2 capes in the lot of stuff I borrowed so I got the idea of Kiera and I being Wonder-Mommy and Wonder-Baby. We'll both wear capes and have head bands. I'll do my best to make it took like we are wearing leotards. I also figured I'd have some sort of utility belt with a bottle, diaper, and "emergency toy" attached to my waist. I'm not quite sure how I'll put "wonder mommy" and wonder baby" across our chests yet, but any suggestions would be welcome.


Gramps said…
Cheap t-shirts and iron on transfers printed from your computer. OR cheap t-shirts and spray paint stencils [shrug] dunno really.
Cambrienelson said…
can't afford t-shirts or spray paint/stencils. Maybe I'll write Wonder Mommy on a white piece of felt and safty pin it to my shirt.
Marilyn said…
So, how did the party go? Time ta report!

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